Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy Wrong Number By the Sea!

Today marks the first birthday of Buddy Bands!

It's been one whole year of examples of how some of your favorite shows relate to real life. To recap, here are a few of my favorite posts:

So, "Happy Wrong Number by the Sea" to Buddy Bands! Thank you so much to all of the readers!

Photo credit

PS. "Happy Wrong Number by the Sea" was written on one of Zack's birthday cakes. Sometimes I like to say this to friends on their birthdays. My favorite friends understand this without needing an explanation.

PPS. I am trying out a new look for the blog for the new year. Hope you like it!

Friends Forever,

AC Slater

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

These are my confessions...

Erika from the awesome blog, SBTB: Now! recently asked readers to send in their "SBTB Confessions". We were asked to answer the following questions:

  1. What is your fondest memory of the show growing up?
  2. If you could change one element of the show, what would it be?
  3. Who is your inner character and why?
  4.  Have you ever experienced a moment in life that you could relate to SBTB?

Photo Credit: SBTB Now!

I am so honored to be the first fan featured on the blog.  You can check it out my confessions here.

If you want to be featured also, please send your answers to the questions above to Erika at It would be fun to have some "Buddy Band-ers" submit something! If you do, please let me know!


Friends Forever,

AC Slater